The mysterious Widdringtonia wallichii (Cupressaceae) and the correct scientific name for the Clanwilliam cedar
Africa, Frenela hugellii, Nomenclature, Typification, Widdringtonia cedarbergensisAbstract
We review the complicated nomenclatural history of the Clanwilliam cedar. Much of this centres around the application of the name Widdringtonia wallichii Endl. ex Carrière. We are unable to identify any original material of this name and designate a neotype to fix its application as it appears to have been originally intended and as it is currently understood. We also confirm that the correct name for the Clanwilliam cedar is W. cedarbergensis J.A.Marsh.
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Copyright (c) 2024 John Manning, Peter Linder, Rafael Govaerts, John McNeill

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