New species and subspecies of Babiana, Hesperantha, and Ixia (Iridaceae: Crocoideae) from southern Africa; range extensions and morphological and nomenclatural notes on Babiana and Geissorhiza


  • Peter Goldblatt
  • J.C. Manning


Babiana Ker Gawl, Geissorhiza Ker Gawl, Hesperantha Ker Gawl, Iridaceae, Ixia L, new species, southern Africa, taxonomy


Babiana rivulicola from stream banks in the Kamiesberg in Namaqualand and terete-leaved Ixia teretifolia from the
Roggeveld, both in Northern Cape, are new species of these two largely winter-rainfall region genera. Late-flowering populations
of Hesperantha radiata with crowded spikes of smaller flowers are segregated from the typical form as subsp. caricina.
We also document the first record of B. gariepensis from Namibia, correct the authority for B. purpurea Ker Gawl., discuss
morphologically aberrant populations of B. tubiflora from Saldanha, provide an expanded description for B. lapeirousiodes
based on the second and only precisely localized collection of this rare Namaqualand species, and expand the circumscription
of Geissorhiza demissa to accommodate a new record from the Kamiesberg, including revised couplets to the existing key
to the species.


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How to Cite

Goldblatt, P., & Manning, J. (2012). New species and subspecies of Babiana, Hesperantha, and Ixia (Iridaceae: Crocoideae) from southern Africa; range extensions and morphological and nomenclatural notes on Babiana and Geissorhiza. Bothalia, African Biodiversity & Conservation, 42(2). Retrieved from



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