Reproductive biology of Stomatium bolusiae (Aizoaceae: Ruschioideae)


  • P.C. Zietsman


Aizoaceae, Crepuscular, Melittophily, Phalaenophily, Pollination, Ruschioideae, Seed Germination, Stomatium Schwantes


Flowers of Stomatium bolusiae are self-incompatible. The species exhibits crepuscular and nocturnal anthesis, exploiting two different pollination mechanisms. The structure of the hermaphroditic fl ower appears not to favour cross-pollination. The stigmata are never exposed to pollinating agents, which gain access to the fl oral rewards by forcing their way between the anthers. Clogging of the stigmatic surfaces by self-pollen is common. Nocturnal anthesis, concomitant with the nocturnal release of attractants and the offering of rewards, indicates that this species is primarily phalaenophilous and secondarily melittophilous, exhibiting a bimodal pollination system.


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How to Cite

Zietsman, P. (2013). Reproductive biology of Stomatium bolusiae (Aizoaceae: Ruschioideae). Bothalia, African Biodiversity & Conservation, 43(1). Retrieved from



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